7 tips to mange money for teenagers

 Hi teenagers is me again but this time i am giving you 7 tips for save money and spend our savings with our brain.

Tip 1

Treat yourself to something special once a week or a mouth as a reward for saving money and tighten your belt.

Tip 2

Have in mind something that you really want to buy as motivation for save money you get it.

Tip 3

Limit yourself  for spend settain amount of money for a mounth or a week and save for a rainy day.

Tip 4

Spend your money on things that are gonabe useful for a long time, like clothes, techology, shoes, or books.

Tip 5

Dont spend your money on things that arent useful just because you can buy it or because is dirt cheap.

Tip 6

Dont buy things only because there are in fashion, this type of fashion staff pasan de moda really fast are very cost an arm and a leg also.

Tip 7

As all teenagers we love to play videogames but i recomend no spend money on things that the game offerts you like game coins, because when the game pass of fashion and nobody play it any more you are gonna be find out that you spend money on things that arent useful.

Well guys i hope that some of this tips can help you out for manage and be rolling in money, see you soon!!!
